
How to prevent kidney atrophy

How to prevent kidney atrophy

As we all know, after the kidney goes to shrink, it's hard to cancel, but the patient can prevent further shortening of the kidneys if they can get the proper treatment on time.

Atrophy of the kidneys means that your kidney is relatively smaller or, obviously, shrinks. The size of the kidneys depends on the age, sex, height and weight of a person. Prolonged kidney disease can damage the kidneys. As necrosis and hardening of the kidneys, the kidneys will become smaller in size, and the kidney function will also decrease. Therefore, for the treatment of kidney diseases, it is very important to improve and control atrophy of the kidneys.

What causes kidney atrophy?

According to the study, poor blood flow to the kidney is a common and direct factor that leads to kidney atrophy. Based on this direct factor, there may be two reasons.

One of the root causes are congenital disorders, such as renal artery stenosis and congenital renal dysplasia. Thanks to extended antenatal care, this cause has become very rare. Another root cause due to the acquired factors is very common. Almost all types of kidney disease with the final stage can contribute to the reduction of the kidneys, since the blood flow should decrease with renal insufficiency

How to prevent kidney damage?

Since renal atrophy has a close relationship with reduced blood flow and renal insufficiency, the ultimate goals of this treatment are to increase blood flow and improve kidney function. Osmoterapiya micro-Chinese medicine as one of the innovations of Chinese medicine, it can help the patient achieve these goals. By placing crushed medicinal herbs on the kidneys, the blood vessels in the kidneys will be dilated, so that more blood will flow into the kidney. In addition, Osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine is able to activate damaged, but not necrotic cells. After a while, part of the kidney function will be restored, and then the overall health of the patients will improve to a large extent. So the progression of kidney atrophy can be stopped.

If you want to know more about this treatment or want the kidney not to decrease, you can send us an e-mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707, we will try our best to help you.

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