
Treat kidney failure without dialysis in China

The primary diseases of Kidney Failure are different, such as Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD),Diabetes, Renal Cyst, High blood pressure etc. Although the primary disease is very different, the final result is Kidney Failure. For some patients, they are very easy to affect by the bad news of their diseases, some patients even lose the confidence to fight with disease.However, in China, we have the latest treatments for kidney failure.

In many cases, people would not be hurry when their kidneys have some damage. In the early stage, they only have protein or blood in urine and slight swelling. People would not give it a great attention for they have no uncomfortable feeling. They do not know they are gradually near kidney failure. Little by little more than 80% of kidney function has been lost, and then they unfortunately go into renal failure.

In China, dialysis is only used as a supporting method which can remit patients’ serious symptoms for a short time. We pay more attention to repair kidney tissue in order to return them healthy kidneys.

Treat kidney failure without dialysis in China

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is an innovative therapy of TCM, which combines Chinese herbal medicine with modern medical technology. This kind of therapy brings forth a new idea to micro-processing the herbal medicines. With the help of advanced osmosis facilities, effective medicine can reach kidney lesions through external application.

Advantages of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

1. No side effects: It is applied externally, and we can avoid the damages to digestive tracts induced by long-term orally taking bitter Chinese medicine, such as nausea, vomiting and inappetence.

2. Increased efficacy of Chinese medicine: The selective herbal medicines are micronized into particles that are thousand times smaller than original sizes, so the penetrability is greatly increased. The effective ingredients can go to the renal lesions directly and take effects to repair the damaged renal intrinsic cells and tissues, so the renal function can be rebuilt gradually.

3. Lasting therapeutic effects: Micro-Chinese Medicine can activate the DNA replication mechanism of damaged cells, which can rebuild new renal construction. Only if the kidney structures are restored, kidney disease can be treated from the root, and relapse can be avoided.

4. Not a surgery: The application of it is not a surgery or an operation, so patients suffer no pain or no scar on the body.

If you are interested in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) of kidney failure, you can send an email to kidney-support@hotmail.com, or free chat with online doctor.

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