
Latest Treatment for ESRD---Immunotherapy

I have talked with many patients with ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease), most of them had gone through conventional treatments of hormones, dialysis and kidney treatment, but they were not healed.  Is there latest treatment for ESRD?

If you or a loved one suffers from ESRD, what you should do is to find the root cause and improve your renal function via eliminating the root. In terms of the newest cytology, ESRD results from the killed and the damaged renal intrinsic cells. To remit ESRD, no matter what treatment you choose should start from repairing failed renal cells.

How to treat ESRD with immunotherapy?

Blood purification. Due to most kidney function loss, people’s kidney cannot work well to discharge toxic substances and excessive water. In our hospital, we usually make an accurate plan of blood purification for patients to guarantee their basic living. The choices contain plasma exchange, hemofiltration, hemoperfusion, dialysis and immunoadsorption.

Immunotherapy is the most advance technology for ESRD. Immunotherapys are a type of magical cells which are like seeds. After the Immunotherapy, they will grow and reproduce in your kidney. It will produce new immune system, new blood vessels, new kidney tissues and other tissues your body needs. Through the meticulous treatment, people will get “a new kidney” and their kidneys can function as before.

Immunotherapy—the latest therapy for ESRD can give you a better kidney and life with no kidney transplant and dialysis. You can ask our experts online for more details about the suitable therapies for you.

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