
Natural Treatment for High Creatinine Levels in Kidney Diseases

Kidney disease is the most likely cause of high creatinine. Treating obstruction of the urinary tract, infection of the kidneys and possible drug damage or autoimmune diseases. So,Elevated creatinine usually indicates that impaired kidney function. Then how to lower creatinine level? Here are some tips in this regard.

Natural Treatment for High Creatinine Levels in Kidney Disease

Diet treatment.

Diet is a natural treatment to control the creatinine level. Though it can not cure the disease, it helps delay the progression of the disease and alleviate the symptoms. Low-protein diet is suggested to reduce proteinuria and reduce kidney damage. Low-salt diet is necessary to lower the risk of swelling and high blood pressure, which will worsen the condition of kidney damage. High-phosphorus and high-potassium diet is not recommended it you are tested with high level of phosphorus and potassium. You can send your medical report to kidney-support@hotmail.com, the kidney doctor will manage you a proper diet.


Normally, if you have no severe complications like nausea, vomiting, edema, etc along with creatinine 2.4, there is no need to do dialysis. However, if you are troubled by these complications or high level of potassium in blood, which is above 6.5 mmol/L, you are suggested to do dialysis. Dialysis can help remove extra potassium and creatinine, thus the symptoms will be remitted.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine can reduce creatinine levels in the blood by repairing your damaged kidneys. It has good curative effects in enlarging renal blood vessels, anticoagulation, and anti-inflammation, so as to improve blood microcirculation and change the state of lacking blood and oxygen in the kidneys. Research shows lacking blood and oxygen is the major reason of kidneys’ injury. When this problem is solved, kidneys can recover the functions, and creatinine levels decrease naturally.

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