
Symptoms and Treatment of Parapelvic Kidney Cyst

Kidney cysts are round pouches of fluid that form in the kidneys. Kidney cysts can be associated with serious disorders that may impair kidney function. But more commonly, kidney cysts are a type called simple kidney cysts — noncancerous cysts that rarely cause complications.

The simple renal cyst is a benign non-neoplastic mass of unknown etiology arising in renal parenchyma (cortical cyst) or within the sinus region (parapelvic cyst). The uncomplicated cyst cavity is typically unilocular, usually filled with clear serous fluid and lined with a cuboidal epithelium with no communication to the renal collecting system.

Signs and Symptoms of renal parapelvic cysts

Normally, there are no complaints. Parapelvic cysts can compress the pyelocaliceal system or ureter, cause flank pain or lead to other symptoms of urinary obstruction.

The treatment for parapelvic kidney cyst

Within 3cm, parapelvic kidney cyst can not be removed by surgical removal. When it is larger than this size, your doctor may help remove it with a thin needle or other tools.

You also can choose Chinese Herbal Medicine, which can shrink parapelvic kidney cyst naturally, no matter what the size of the cyst is. Meantime, some tonic herbs can help improve your renal function. More information or any help, please send them to kidney-support@hotmail.com.

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