
End-Stage Renal Failure due to Lupus Treatment

Lupus nephritis is a kidney disorder caused by systemic lupus erythematosus which is an autoimmune disease, involving many organs of the body such as kidneys, heart, brain etc.

Besides the kidney involvement, lupus can affect heart, lungs, gastrointestinal system, skin and others. Especially, the heart damage threatens the life of lupus patients.

One of my friends is newly diagnosed with lupus nephritis. The whole family is panic. They are more concerned about how long she can live with lupus nephritis.
Each person shows great concern on the life span of their lives or what the life is like with lupus nephritis. In terms of the former, there is no straight answer or exact number to account for the lifespan. There are many factors that influence the impact of illness on quality of life and lifespan, such as the condition itself, treatment, and psychosocial factors.

For newly diagnosed with lupus nephritis, there is no need to worry. With medications and diet, it is possible to get a remission. Early treatment is the key to increase the chances of successful treatment.

If you are diagnosed with lupus nephritis, WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU!

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