
Life expectancy after kidney transplantation and your quality of life

Each year the number in waiting list grows in a large degree and many patients who have registered for kidney transplant passed away during their waiting for donator. So patients who are undergoing long-term waiting are advised to look for effective therapies to repair their renal function.

How successful are kidney transplant surgeries?

Most transplanted kidneys start working immediately, but some start working slowly and you may need dialysis for one to three weeks after surgery. Nationally, 1 – 2 percent of transplants fail immediately, and 25 percent of patients on average in the nation require dialysis after surgery.

How long does a transplanted kidney last?

Kidney transplants are very successful with more than 95 percent of kidney transplants done at Barnes-Jewish still working after one year. Living donor transplants last on average for 15-20 years and deceased donor transplants last for 10-15 years. If a transplant fails, a patient can begin or return to dialysis and/or pursue another transplant.

Better Quality of Life

Even though kidney transplant is major surgery with a phased recovery period, it can, in comparison to dialysis, offer you the opportunity for a longer, more satisfying life. Most patients who have been on dialysis and then had a transplant report having more energy, a less restricted diet, and fewer complications with a transplant than if they had stayed on dialysis. Transplant patients are also more likely to return to work after their transplant than dialysis patients.

These are on life expectancy after kidney transplantation all introduced in this area if there is something you more questions, you can click on the bottom of the article online doctor for a free consultation, you can also send your case to the kidney-support@hotmail.com, we will give you a guide as soon as possible.

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