The serum creatinine is a common blood test that gives us an estimate of kidney function. A 1.8 is generally high for even a very muscular athlete. A 1.3 to 1.5 would not be for many patients. Serum creatinines over 2 are generally reason for real concern. Also, simple dehydration can cause some elevation.
How To Lower Creatinine Levels By Yourself
Drink Plenty of Water:When our body gets dehydrated, the creatinine levels tend to increase. You can reduce the chances of any further elevation by consuming about 8 - 10 glasses of water per day, more creatinine will get eliminated from the body.
Healthy Diet:Include plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole wheat, barley, oats, etc., into your daily diet. Replace them with fresh fruit juice or aloe vera juice, which will keep you hydrated and at the same time provide you with good nutrition.
Reduce Sodium Intake:Sodium tends to promote water retention. Therefore, it would be better if you can stay away from all such foods that supply extra sodium to the body. Salty foods, processed foods, packaged foods, etc., should be avoided in this condition.
Avoid Creatine Supplements and Vanadium: kidney's not only swell or increase in size but could also cause heart problems or muscle cramps. Therefore, to ensure faster reduction of creatinine levels in the blood, one must avoid creatine supplements. Vanadium is often consumed by diabetic patients, and an overdose could easily increase the creatinine levels in the blood, so one must consume it only in small amounts.
Avoid Strenuous Activities:Strenuous exercises only promote the creatine to convert into creatinine more quickly than normal. Therefore, one must avoid over-training or doing similar strenuous physical exercises, and opt for less intense exercises. Healthy exercising is more beneficial than over-exercising, and this is a fact for everyone.
At present, the most popular treatment for kidney failure is Immunotherapy, through which creatinine level can be lowered greatly. If you are interested in this therapy, you can contact us to get more information.
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