
How Long Can You Live with ADPKD

ADPKD is short for Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease and it covers a large proportion of population with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD).

Once you are diagnosed with the disease, you may wonder your exact life expectancy. However, it is hard to answer this question because it is attributable to many factors.

Residual renal function

As ADPKD develops quite latently, you may not present symptoms or discomforts in early stage. As a result, you may do not receive treatment until symptoms appear such as high blood pressure, back pain, high creatinine level etc. Generally speaking, at that time, more than half of your renal function has failed completely. Therefore, if you have a family history of the disease, you should go for tests like B-ultrasound tests regularly.

Overall health

If you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, anemia etc, these problems can aggravate the aggravation of your renal function. Therefore, you should take some measures to deal with them properly. It will be able to prolong your life expectancy to some extent.

Heath care

After you are diagnosed with ADPKD, you should go to see a dietitian and ask him/her to give you some dietary advices. Meanwhile, you should keep them strictly. Meanwhile, if the cysts enlarge, you should avoid intense exercise and heavy work to prevent cyst rupturing.


Therapy is the primary factor in influencing the life expectancy of ADPKD patients. If you can receive proper treatment to stop the cysts enlargement and restore the impaired nephrons, the kidneys will be able to recover the normal function. So, you will be able to enjoy a normal life expectancy as the common people.

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