
Alternative Treatments for FSGS

FSGS stands from Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis. It is a severe form of Nephrotic Syndrome. While the prognosis of FSGS is relatively good for patients with subnephrotic proteinuria, most patients with persisting proteinuria progress to end stage renal disease (ESRD) in spite of glucocorticoid or immunosuppressive treatment. For most of these patients, renal transplantation should be considered as the treatment of choice.
Is there any alternative treatment for recurrent FSGS?
FSGS is not as simple as a kidney damages only, it relates to immune disorder.Thereby, treatment for FSGS should repair damaged kidneys and rebuild defected immune system at the same time. Immunotherapy seems a good choice for it improve immune system and use natural immunity to fight against the underlying kidney disease and its symptoms.
For the alternative treatment for FSGS, can immunotherapy cure FSGS?
Immunotherapy is designed to deal with immune disorder in particular. Immunotherapy is utilized to refresh and repair the defected immune system and make it to cleanse away the immune complexes, eliminating the root of scar form in kidneys.
If you are in the early stage of FSGS, such as your Kidney Function is over 50%, you have a great chance to be cured by immunotherapy. If your kidney function remains a little, we still prepare treatment options for you. At the same time, you can learn some know of new diagnosis for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis(FSGS), it may be can help you for your treatment. You need  Immunotherapy to develop kidney function and immunotherapy to cleanse away the immune complex.
If the treatment you are receiving does not work well, immunotherapy may be an alternative treatment for you.

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