
Symptoms and treatment of high blood urea levels in renal failure

Symptoms and treatment of high blood urea levels in renal failure

Urea is a human metabolic waste that is supposed to be excreted from the body by the kidney with urea, but when people are attacked with kidney failure, with a decrease in kidney function, the urea of ​​the blood becomes high, causing stress on the kidneys and damage to other tissues. Thus, patients with renal insufficiency with a high urea blood content are often accompanied by many symptoms, this article will provide you with treatment.

Symptoms of high blood urea in renal failure:

During blood circulation, urea can diffuse during the body. In the gastrointestinal tract, when urea degrades into ammonia, which will stimulate gastrointestinal motility, at this time patients will suffer from diarrhea. In addition, ammonia can penetrate the mouth along with the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory system, patients often experience nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning.

Treatment of high-urea urea in renal failure:

Blood urea is a common indicator showing the function of the kidneys, and with the exception of blood urea, there are other retention of metabolism in the blood due to decreased kidney function such as creatinine, uric acid and so on. Patients who want to reduce the index of kidney function should improve their kidney function to the maximum extent.

Traditional Chinese medicine can help patients translate symptoms and reverse kidney function at the same time, cleaning excess blood cells and promoting blood circulation. Regardless of renal failure or other symptoms, both can be caused by a hypoxic-ischemic condition or a high level of toxins. And Chinese medicine has the function of spending blood vessels to increase blood perfusion, increase blood circulation to remove blood clots, release toxins to stop tissue damage and repair damaged cells to restore the system. In general, with the help of medicine, the remaining kidney function can be preserved, and the kidney function can be improved to the maximum extent.

Now if you want to know more information about the symptoms and treatment of high-urea urea in kidney failure, you can contact our online doctors, leave us messages or send an email to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707, we will reply you within 24 hours.

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