
How to treat creatinine 420 and hyperkalemia (high blood potassium)

How to treat creatinine 420 and hyperkalemia (high blood potassium)

Potassium in the body mainly from food, the vast majority of excretion through urine. The kidney is an important organ for the balance of potassium. But when a patient suffers from kidney failure, blood potassium can not beat well from the body, and therefore hyperkalemia appears. In addition, many toxins accumulate in the body in the body, and this causes metabolic acidosis, hydrogen ions in the cell, intracellular potassium will be replaced with blood, and also cause hyperkalemia. Thus, hyperkalemia is a particular and serious complication in chronic renal failure.

Emergency treatment of hyperkalemia

Emergency treatment of hyperkalemia includes correction of acidosis, intensive use of diuretics diuretic, calcium infusion, insulin, emergency dialysis, etc. Chronic hyperkalemia should pay attention to diet control, regular use of diuretics, regular monitoring of serum potassium.

How to treat creatinine 420 and hyperkalemia

dialysis. I must say that dialysis is a good choice for patients with hyperkalemia. Dialysis can strike potassium from the blood quickly and effectively. If the blood potassium level in patients is up to 7 or more, I recommend the patient to do dialysis as soon as possible.

- Osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine. This therapy is established in the Beijing Tong Shan Tang Hospital of Chinese Medicine, it is at the bilateral acupuncture points ShengSu (BL23) is a micro-technological medicine that eliminate toxins and return the original qi, and apply them to the acupuncture points of Shengshu (BL23) externally. Therefore, the purpose of cleansing toxin can be achieved with a pathogenic toxin removed and the original Qi restored.

If you have a question about creatinine and hyperkalemia, you can send your message to asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707.

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