
What medicines are useful for the treatment of acute glomerulonephritis

What medicines are useful for the treatment of acute glomerulonephritis

Timely treatment means a lot for those patients with acute glomerulonephritis, since it develops rapidly in a short time, so it is first of all first to take control of the acute immune inflammatory response between these patients.

What medicines are useful for the treatment of acute glomerulonephritis?


At a high dosage, this drug could quickly stop further attack of the inflammatory response and immunosuppression. Studies conducted in recent years show that the earlier treatment is delivered, the better the prognosis.

Of course, some of the side effects that result from this treatment, for example, secondary infections, sodium and water retention, mental disorder, high blood sugar, high blood pressure or congestive heart failure, etc.


Cyclophosphamide - pulse therapy is well suited for patients with acute glomerulonephritis. When the kidney function in patients rapidly decreases, a combination of CTX can prevent the appearance of renal scarring.

Typically, the CTX course is 6-12 months in most cases. But for those who do not have remission, its cytoxan treatment can be extended to 12 months.


For type I patients with acute glomerulonephritis, plasmapheresis works well, especially for those whose disease does not progress to renal insufficiency with oliguria. More precisely, serum creatinine less than 530 μmol / L (less than 6 mg / dL) reacts well to plasma metabolism.


Adopting immunoadsorption can effectively reduce the level of GBM antibodies in the blood serum and quickly reduce pneumatic arteries. One of us requires our attention that when delivering drugs, the adsorption dose of immunoadsorption is adequate, and at the same time, immunosuppression should be combined to serve the goal without relapse.

Hope that the above messages are useful to you, if you have other questions about kidney disease or you want to treat glomerulonephritis well, you can send us an email to Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707, we will try to do everything possible to help you.

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