
Is there any other way to reduce high creatinine in kidney disease

Is there any other way to reduce high creatinine in kidney disease

As we all know, dialysis is a common way to reduce high levels of creatinine, but it will have many side effects while lowering the level of creatinine. Then, is there another way to reduce the level of creatinine?

For this question, the answer is "yes." In the next, I will present you two effective methods of treating kidney diseases that can help a patient reduce their high creatinine levels without dialysis.

1, Osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine

This is one of the traditional Chinese medicine. It is created in Shijiazhuang Nephropathy Hospital. Hot compress on bilateral acupuncture points ShengShu (BL23) is a micro-technological medicine that eliminates toxins and returns the original qi, and apply them to the ShengSu acupuncture points (BL23) externally. Therefore, the purpose of cleansing toxin can be achieved with a pathogenic toxin removed and the original Qi restored.

2, Therapy of purification of toxins from the blood

This therapy is different from all traditional methods of treatment, it treats kidney failure from contaminated blood. The whole procedure consists of three parts, namely the combined methods of purifying blood, adding elements, restoring the function of the kidneys. Due to different techniques of blood purification, the level of creatinine decreases rapidly. This therapy can also eliminate stasis to improve blood circulation and provide damaged kidneys with the necessary elements to accelerate recovery. Moreover, it can maintain a good blood environment for damaged kidneys to restore its ability. When your kidney function is improved, the level of creatinine will gradually decrease.

If you want to learn more about these two procedures or want to reduce the level of creatinine without dialysis, you can send us an e-mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707, we will try our best to help you.

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