I have lowered glomerular filtration of the kidneys below 70
On-line doctor: Hello! Welcome to our website. How can I help you?
Patient: hello! At me the glomerular filtration of kidneys below 70 is lowered, prompt please that could provoke this status. It started abruptly after a strong nervous strain and already for 3 years I suffer with it, could this affect and what are my chances of being treated? Thank you!
On-line doctor: Do not worry, we'll help you
The online doctor: is it still here?
Patient: Yes, but tell me from which medical institution you are ???
Online physician: Shijiazhuang Nephropathy Hospital
On-line doctor: I know about this situation. I can give you effective and accessible advice right now. What is your phone number or whatsapp?
Patient: 89 *********
Online doctor: Full name, age and country?
Patient: Margarita 28 years Russia
On-line doctor: Our doctor will contact you within 24 hours. Our mail is Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707.