
High-Sodium Foods That Patients with FSGS Should Avoid

A kidney-friendly diet plays a vital role in managing FSGS and it can reduce the relapses and slow down its progression. High-sodium foods should be removed from the diet of patients with FSGS.

Retention of fluid and sodium is the main cause of swelling in FSGS. If it is not corrected over time, it will result in high blood pressure. Research has proved that in kidney diseases strict blood pressure control is crucial. Therefore, the patients with FSGS should be very careful about their sodium intake and limit its intake strictly.
These high sodium foods to avoid include all types of frozen meats, corned beef, pepperoni, sausage, pizza, fast foods, cheese, pickles, soy sauce, potato chip and all types of canned soup.

Besides high-sodium foods, the patients should also keep the following dietary principles.


After the proteins metabolized, they will produce a large amount of urea nitrogen which can put strain on kidneys. Therefore, the patients with FSGS should restrict the protein intake to 0.6 grams/kg per body weight.


High potassium level in blood can cause arrhythmia and heart attack and it is a main cause of sudden death. Meanwhile, high potassium can lead to vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. The common foods rich in potassium mainly include avocados, red chili, coca powder and chocolate, nuts, seeds, beans, dates, dried apricots etc.


Vitamins take part in the energy metabolism in body. Vitamin insufficiencies can cause energy metabolic disorder. Therefore, the patients with FSGS should increase the intake of vegetables and fruits such as pea, apple and cucumber.

If the patients with FSGS have a strict control not only when they are on treatment, but also when the disease in complete remission, it will delay its relapse and slow down its progression significantly.

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