
Is there an alternative treatment for one with lupus nephritis

Is there an alternative treatment for one with lupus nephritis

Lupus nephritis, like inflammation of the kidneys, is often the result of systemic lupus erythematosus. People suffering from lupus nephritis usually take on excessive pain resulting from a number of syndromes that include fever, high blood pressure, skin itching. It manifests itself in the form of erythema unequal in size, located in the human inhabitants. Since these syndromes have absorbed many patients. Many people are interested in finding alternative treatments to alleviate their illness. In the following content, the author will show you an alternative method for treating lupus nephritis.

Lupus nephritis is a disease of autoimmune events in modern society. In fact, our immune system plays an indispensable role in protecting us from an external attack. Once the immune system is damaged due to external infections, it is puzzled that the immune system can distinguish harmful substances from its own cells, and as a result, our immune system treats them as an enemy, and then attacks them. Because of them, the renal function begins to be damaged.

On the one hand, dialysis would be offered to help the kidneys perform blood purification with external equipment. On the other hand, dialysis has some side effects that include vomiting, headache, muscle cramps, poor appetite.

While in the Shijiazhuang Nephropathy Hospital, we take natural Chinese procedures that repair the damaged kidney. One of the Chinese methods of treatment is cleansing toxins, removing toxins, and it comes with the aim of eliminating toxins deposited in our body system. In the toxin removal method, we take Chinese medicine by combining it with a foot bath or cauterization to correct the disorder of the internal environment. Thus, the body system can exclude toxins through sweating and defecation. Then the renal function begins to function as usual. There are several procedures that lead to the recovery of renal function, including osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine, hot compression therapy, foot bath, immunotherapy, moxibustion, etc.

It is very convenient for you to send this status to the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +86 13292893707 if you are interested in more information about Chinese treatment. The kidney specialist will analyze the report of your illness and will contact you.

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