
Immunotherapy Gives You a Successful Kidney Transplant

After the kidney transplant, the headache things for people are to take anti-rejection drugs every day and to have more frequent infections than normal. In fact, each day they are worried about how well their body and graft kidney are. Now Immunotherapy can resolve all the problems.

Immunotherapy for kidney transplant

Have you ever heard mesenchymal Immunotherapy? They are a type of magical cells which can be differentiated into a variety of cells for people need. The study shows that if patients can infuse these Immunotherapy at the time of kidney transplant, they can replace the use of the anti-rejection drugs with Immunotherapy.

We know that the graft kidney is considered as a foreign substance for the receptor’s body. So people have to take anti-rejection drugs to reduce the hurt in new kidney from the domestic immune system. Now Immunotherapy can rebuild a new immune system for receptor and new kidneys. In the new one, they can recognize each other and the immune system can protect the graft kidney.

Many people with long-term anti-rejection drugs would die of the serious infection. Anti-rejection drugs are used to reduce the immunity in order to let the body to accept the graft kidneys. The lower immunity is the main cause of many serious infections that may hurt the organs or tissues. If people adopt Immunotherapy, they can avoid the serious infections.

Does Immunotherapy have some side effects?

In china, Immunotherapy is allowed to treat diseases for more than 20 years. In term of rich clinic experience, it is proved that there is no side effect presenting in patients. In our hospital, the Immunotherapy are extracted from the cord blood which is very safe for people. There is a very strict standard for the donors of cord blood and all the processes must be done under the demands. In this way, people are hoped to cast off anti-rejection and get a longer life span.

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