
Tonsillectomy for IgA Nephropathy: Does It Work

IgA Nephropathy has a close connection with tonsil. Tonsillitis occurs before the onset of the disease. So some patients thought performing a tonsillectomy may be able to help a lot. Is that true?

Tonsillitis leads to the production of a great deal of IgA. Certainly, lots of immune complexes will be reduced accordingly. So technically, performing tonsillectomy helps slow down its progression. However, the surgery doesn’t work for all the Berger’s Disease patients, meaning it depends on every single patient’s illness condition and other factors. For patients with mild disease condition, inflammatory response occurs in this stage, that’s why surgery does well. Other then the surgery, reducing inducing factors together with effective treatments, IgA Nephropathy patients are able to receive good effects.

Things changed in patients with moderate and serious illness condition, tonsillectomy receives poor results. This is because kidney fibrosis develops and is able to synthesize toxic substances much more harmful than IgA. Therefore, even the surgery is done, the tonsillitis is removed, the patient’s illness condition won’t get relieved. Get it? In the advanced stage of IgA Nephropathy, tons toxins, wastes and excess fluids accumulating in the body result in much serious results. Since tonsillectomy won’t work, what else can we do? Immunotherapy offers us another chance to fight and try.

When IgA Nephropathy progresses to ESRD or CRF, the focus o treatment should lay on dealing with immune complexes and repair malfunctioned kidneys, which exactly is Immunotherapy good at. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, by dilating blood circulation and removing blood clot etc., could remove in situ immune complexes in kidneys. Blood purification technics are good at eliminating circulating immune complexes. Other adjunctive therapies work for protecting and repair damaged kidneys. By this whole series, the kidney disease can be treated or even corrected.

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