
Is It Okay for IgA Nephropathy Patients to Take Supplement

"I have been diagnosed with IgA nephropathy for nearly two years. The blood or protein in urine always comes and goes. These days, I heard that food or herbs supplement helps improve immunity. Would it be favor to my illness condition? "
Many people have thought that taking some supplements may benefit their health and kidneys. Is it effective for IgA nephropathy?

Dietary supplements
In most people’s mind, dietary supplements can be vitamins, minerals, herbs or special plants, amino acids, special foods. These substances are not common in people’s diet and some people find they can benefit their healthy and feel much more energetic after taking these food supplement. However, it does vary in different people. For IgA nephropathy patients, many dietary supplements are not suitable. For example, some food supplements contain much protein that may increase the burden of kidneys, which would worsen the illness condition.
Many people are prone to take Chinese herbs for supplement and think it natural and healthy. Chinese herbs are indeed good for people healthy. However, some of Chinese herbs are rich in some salts, such as potassium or phosphorus etc. in patients with serious illness condition, IgA nephropathy impact their kidney and lead to loss of much kidney function. So excessive water, salt, waste products cannot be discharged from the body. With Chinese herbs supplement, the level of potassium or phosphorus in blood may be higher, which may lead to palpitate or heart rest.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
In order to get Chinese herb supplement and avoid its hurt, patients can choose micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy that is an external application. The prescription will be made by Chinese medicine experts according to your illness condition. The Chinese herbs ingredients can be permeated by devices through skin. They act on kidney lesions directly so the effect is very good. They can regulate immune system and also can degrade the IgA deposition. Thereby through this method to take herbs, people’s health can be greatly improved.
When you do not know how to choose the best supplement, ask the online experts and try this new method to get a better effect.

Learn More: What Are the Clinical Symptoms of IgA Nephropathy

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