
How Fatal Is Nephrotic Syndrome

Many people are diagnosed with a nephrotic syndrome unintentionally in a physical examination. They cannot believe that they have kidney disease for they have a normal life like other healthy people and they have no obvious symptoms. But nephrotic syndrome is fatal for people and they may have renal failure.

Nephrotic syndrome is a condition marked by very high levels of protein in the urine, low levels of protein in the blood, possible severe swelling and high cholesterol in the blood. Although they may have all of these differences in their body, the only symptom they can find is the swelling. In the early stage, they only have swelling in around the eyes and then feet and hands. So people easily ignore it and kidney would be hurt further.

Late detection is always the major cause of worsening of nephrotic syndrome. When they realize the severe swelling in legs or arms, most of them are in the serious stage. Nephrotic syndrome results from damage to the kidneys’ glomeruli that are little balls of tiny blood vessels and are used to filter waste, salts as well as excess water from the blood. When glomeruli are hurt, protein in the blood is easily leaked out.

Nephrotic syndrome is usually caused by many diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, lupus, purpura, hepatitis, amyloidosis as well as kidney disease. So treatment of nephrotic syndrome focuses on identifying the underlying cause. Most of the cases are the results of kidney diseases with no exact illness causes. So most of patients cannot be cured by adopting traditional treatments.

In this situation, Immunotherapy can help you to solve the underlying problems. More than 95% of nephrotic syndrome cases are aroused by a disordered immune system. People need to regulate immune system and improve immunity in order to put off the renal inflammation. In order to balance immune system, accurate examinations should be adopted to check out why their immune system is wrong. In immunotherapy, Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy is the main therapy for them to achieve a normal immune system. Besides, it also can give essential elements to promote the growth of kidney tissues.

So through immunotherapy you can find the causes of your nephrotic syndrome. It also focuses on the lesion on kidneys and treats underlying disease from the root.

Learn More: Is Hormone Inevitable to Treat Nephrotic Syndrome

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