
Will patients with dialysis experience seizures

Will patients with dialysis experience seizures

Dialysis, like bilateral therapy, not only shows effects to alleviate patients with kidney failure, but also causes various side effects, such as convulsions.

Seizures are a common experience for patients who are on hemodialysis. Convulsive activity usually tends to occur during or shortly after the dialysis procedure due to hemodynamic and biochemical changes associated with the process. Therefore, preventive measures should be initiated in patients with predisposing factors, such as extreme uraemia or severe electrolyte anomalies.

There are many reasons for patients with dialysis who suffer from seizures as follows. I hope this is useful for your information.

- Air embolism

- Uremical encephalopathy

- Removal of alcohol

- Dialysis non-equilibrium syndrome

- Drugs such as erythropoietin, carbapenem and ertapenem, hyponatremia and hypernatremia, etc.

- Hemodynamic instability

- Dialysis dementia due to aluminum intoxication

- Cerebrovascular disorder, such as heart attack, subdural hematoma, hemorrhage, etc.

One of the above reasons can contribute to seizures in patients with kidney failure, or you may experience a disorder due to a mixed cause.

While you will find a symptom, emergency medical attention is required. Thus, you are invited to accompany your friends or family members, etc. During dialysis.

In addition, you are encouraged to try other treatments that help reduce the frequency of dialysis or even get rid of dialysis in some cases.

Chinese herbal medicine can be an alternative option. There are human herbs that help alleviate the symptoms of kidney failure and compensate for the side effects of chemotherapy or drugs in patients.

Based on her own condition, the herbalist can make an herbal formula that helps restore damaged kidney tissue and improve kidney function. And when your GFR increases, you may need less dialysis frequency.

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