
Common symptoms of high levels of creatinine in renal failure

Common symptoms of high levels of creatinine in renal failure

Everyone hopes for a long and quality life, if a person is sick, he will try his best to heal his illness, but not all diseases can be cured. Just like kidney disease, some diseases can be cured, but some can not. If you have a question about the kidney, you can contact the Online Doctor!

In renal insufficiency, the creatinine will rise to a high level, the kidney function is almost lost, and it can not be restored, after which the toxic substance and metabolic waste can not be removed from the body after the kidney loses its function, so it needs some treatment, to help the kidneys perform their function.

Why do patients have a high level of creatinine in renal failure? First, the human body loses water, leads to hemoconcentration. Secondly, it has to do with the habits of patients. Thirdly, people have a long history of hematurism and proteinuria. Fourth, patients take a medicine that is poisonous to the kidneys, because they did not know. Fifth, the kidney function in patients is damaged, and they easily become infected. Sixth, patients have high blood pressure. All these factors can lead to an increase in high creatinine.

Beijing Tong Shan Tang Hospital of Chinese Medicine has a professional and special therapy for this disease. We called it "osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine," an emphasis on Chinese medicine on the combination of Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Therapy focuses on the root of the disease, and not on superficial symptoms. Patients can be better with the help of therapy that restores congenital cells. When the renal function is restored, the frequency of relapse will be reduced.

In addition, patients should pay attention to the diet. Food should be prepared with less oil and vegetable oil with less fatty acid, better for patients; they can not have food with phosphorus, including mucus, sesame, walnut, yolk and so on.

If the creatinine is high and you want to avoid dialysis, you can send the analysis to the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707.

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