
What to do if the kidney function falls to 30% with diabetic nephropathy

What to do if the kidney function falls to 30% with diabetic nephropathy

At present, a number of people have been diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy, which is the main cause of kidney failure. At present, a number of people have been diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy, which is the main cause of kidney failure. As the disease progresses, the kidney function will decrease accordingly. If there is only 30% of the kidney function, what should patients do?

It is generally recognized that diabetic nephropathy is a complication of a summer uncontrolled high blood sugar level. In the clinic, the usual methods of treating this condition usually include insulin injection, control of high blood pressure, healthy eating, moderate exercise and so on. There is no doubt that these measures can help to delay to some extent the progression of diabetic kidney disease. Unfortunately, they can not do anything to increase kidney function.

In our kidney service China, nephrologists offer patients with diabetic nephropathy with 30% kidney function to undergo the following procedures:

Osmotherapy of micro-Chinese medicine. This therapy is a kind of external application of traditional Chinese herbs. During treatment, they just need to lie in bed comfortably. With the help of osmosis devices nutrients from herbs can get directly into the kidneys. It's safe and will not hurt the human body. After applying 7-14 days, a therapeutic effect will take place. In the end, the kidney function will be improved and the kidney structures restored.

Therapy cleansing toxins. A great feature of this treatment is the use of Chinese medicine, most of the toxins in the body effectively remove the body through feces, urine and sweat glands, this created favorable conditions for the recovery of the kidneys of the patient and a good environment for other medications. Therapy is based on the basic technology is still thought of, the stasis of Chinese medicine, and also the unique combination of kidney medicine, only a truly effective way to remove inflammation of the kidney organ.

To be frank, even if there are 30% of kidneys with diabetic nephropathy, patients should never lose hope. If you have a question, click on the right online doctor to get the answer as quickly as possible! Our mail also is Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / viber + 8613292893707.

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