
Is Hormone Therapy Useful for Lupus Nephritis

In most hospital, hormone therapy is the most common therapy for lupus nephritis. However, most people have found that their condition always relapse by using this therapy. Is hormone therapy useful for lupus nephritis?

Lupus nephritis

Almost every patient with lupus (SLE) has kidney damage and about 60% of patients have nephritis. Renal failure is the main cause of death for patients. Lupus is a type of autoimmune disease which is featured with a disordered immune system.
Antibodies in the body do not only fight against foreign invaders but also attack the body cells as well. So many immune complexes (the combination of antibodies and antigens) are formed in the blood. When they deposit in the kidneys, they will arouse an active immune reaction that will give a great damage to kidney tissues.

Hormone therapy for lupus nephritis

Due to the active immune reaction, “little holes” will present in the kidney tissues. So protein or blood cells will be leaked from the blood into the urine. In this way, people will lose much protein, which will lead to many symptoms, such as swelling or thrombus. Hormone therapy uses the feature of hormone to block the “little holes” in order to reduce the protein loss. The proteinuria can be removed only by using the hormone therapy. However, people cannot bear the side effects of hormone drugs. So many people are seeking other therapy for lupus nephritis after using hormone therapy for a long time.

Side effects of hormone therapy for lupus nephritis

Hormone drugs lead to disordered metabolism of water and other substances. People would have swelling, high blood pressure, and glycosuria. Most of patients have moon-face, thin skin, crinosity, acne, myasthenia and amyotrophy etc.

Hormone therapy can trigger to have infections. Hormone restrains the immune system to fight against virus or germs. So people will have serious infection when they use hormone for a long time.

Osteoporosis will be formed by the hormone therapy. Rib and vertebra are the main bone which is affected by hormone. It increases the metabolism of phosphorus, so their bone is not as stiff as before.

Are you seeking a better therapy for lupus nephritis? You can consult our experts online for more details about our individualized treatment which can help you get a good curative effect with no hormone.

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