
Symptoms of Kidney Dysfunction

When you are diagnosed with kidney dysfunction in hospital, do you know what kidney dysfunction is exactly? What are the main symptoms of kidney dysfunction in different steps? Experts alert people had better know more about symptoms of kidney dysfunction in order to prevent the further steps.

What is kidney dysfunction exactly?

When people’s kidneys cannot work well, they are going into kidney dysfunction. Due to some factors including nephritis, diabetes, high blood pressure and lupus etc, people’s kidney tissues have been damaged and then hardened or dead. Kidney dysfunction is not a definite disease but contains four steps of kidney disease. Kidney problems in the early stage to renal failure in the end stage belong to kidney dysfunction.

What are the main symptoms of kidney dysfunction?

Early symptoms of kidney dysfunction

In the compensatory stage, people have no obvious symptoms and no index is out of control, although some of kidney tissues have been damaged. So many patients just consider they are in the state of sub-health.

Over time, more kidney cells are hurt, so people’s kidney function has been reduced. Their symptoms of kidney dysfunction include:

1. High blood pressure. Due to weak filtration of kidneys, the excessive water cannot be discharged from the body, which can lead to high blood pressure. About 90% of patients would have high blood pressure.

2. Fatigue, lacking of strength, yellow complexion, bad appetite almost would present in every patients with kidney dysfunction.

3. Swelling. In the early stage, swelling only appears in the eyelids and ankles, which is not easy to find.

4. Other symptoms contain foamy urine, darken urine, loin pain, back pain, discomfort in urination.

Symptoms of kidney dysfunction in the end stage

When people step into the end stage of kidney dysfunction, most of their kidney tissues have been destroyed and only a few cells are working. So toxic substances and excess water have to stay in the body.

The symptoms of kidney dysfunction include:

1. Kidney dysfunction affect gastrointestinal tract. People have a very bad appetite, sick, vomit, diarrhea, ammoniacal smell in mouth.

2. Symptoms of cardiovascular system caused by kidney dysfunction. They contain high blood pressure, severe swelling, fast heart rate, difficult breath and so on.
3. Nerve system hurt. Some people have fatigue, insomnia, forgetfulness, inattention, hallucination, coma, extraction and numbness etc.

4. Destroyed respiratory system. They may have pneumonia, pleuritis, couch and fever etc.

5. Symptoms of skin in people with kidney dysfunction include itching, pale and yellow complexion, uremic frost and so on.

If you have kidney dysfunction, you can know what steps you go into. For a more accurate diagnosis, you can consult our experts online.

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