
The Top 10 Life Care for Patients with IgA Nephropathy

The Top 10 Life Care for Patients with IgA Nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is a common kidney disease for people, which is a kidney disease due to an immune disorder with IgA complexes deposited in the kidneys. For these patients, they need a quick treatment to remedy the kidney damage, in addition to other tips to pay attention. Here are the 10 best life care for patients with IgA nephritis.

1. Patients should take a light diet, which can also be easily digested. They should avoid foods such as seafood, beef, lamb, hot exciting foods and wine, which will be detrimental to patients with IgA nephropathy.

2. They can take more and adequate fresh vegetables and fruits in their daily lives, which can supply enough vitamins and other nutrition. In addition, vegetables and fruits can also improve your immunity and reduce kidney damage.

3. They should pay attention to the medications they use and follow the advice of their doctors to take the correct amount of medication. Because the wrong use of medicines will cause more damage to the kidneys.

4. For patients with uremia, they need to defecate 2-3 times a day, and they should also have a good rest. In addition, they should also avoid cold and infections in their daily lives.

5. For people who have hormone treatment, they should follow the advice of their doctors to progressively decrease the amount and time of use of the hormone.

6. For patients with IgA who have severe swelling, need to limit salt intake and limit protein intake and fluid intake, all this will be useful in relieving inflammation.

7. Patients who have a high potassium level should avoid fruits and vegetables that are high in potassium. Common high-potassium foods include bananas, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, tea, and soybeans.

8. Patients who have a high level of uric acid should avoid foods such as seafood, beer, mushrooms, soybeans and spinach.

9. During treatment, if patients have a cold, fever or infection, they should notify their doctor in a timely manner and receive immediate treatment, which can help prevent serious complications.

10. The most basic and most important thing is to maintain a cheerful mood and have confidence to overcome your kidney diseases. A good mood will make a miracle for the treatment.

Above are the 10 best life care for patients with IgA nephropathy, which will be useful for all patients with IgA nephropathy. In addition, they should also have an effective treatment to remedy kidney damage, and early treatment will provide a good prognosis for patients with IgA nephropathy.

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