
Is there alternative medicine to help diabetics with Stage 3 CKD?

Is there alternative medicine to help diabetics with Stage 3 CKD?

Kidney disease is one of the most common complications of diabetes. If diabetics are diagnosed with Stage 3 CKD, they should look for alternative medications for immediate health monitoring. Are there any alternative medicines?

Diabetes and the 3rd stage of chronic kidney disease

About 30% of diabetic patients with stage 3 renal disease may have persistent severe albuminuria or proteinuria. Worse, the speed of their glomerular filtration (GFR) decreases continuously. The characteristic of the 3rd diabetic nephropathy is that proteinuria does not decrease together with a decrease in GFR. If uncontrollably effective, the diabetes of the third stage of the disease can progress to the 4th stage. Then, GFR will decrease by 1 ml / min every month.

How to treat diabetics with the 3rd stage of kidney disease?

In this condition, the key to treatment is the control of blood sugar, the complications associated with diabetes, and the restoration of damaged kidney cells.

1. Control blood glucose level: Controlling blood sugar levels can improve renal hemodynamics to some extent. In some cases, this can help alleviate proteinuria.

2. Management of blood pressure: the majority of patients with diabetes and the third stage of CKD have high blood pressure, which is one of the important factors leading to the emergence and development of diabetic necropathy. ACEI and ARB are the preferred drugs for these patients because these drugs can improve renal hemodynamics, reduce protein flow and improve the permeability of the filter membrane.

3. Increase the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In the clinic, GFR divides chronic kidney disease into five stages. Only if the level of GFR increases, the third stage of chronic kidney disease can be successfully canceled. Osmotherapy of micro Chinese medicine is one treatment that can help to feed damaged kidney cells and stimulate the self-healing ability of impaired renal cells. From this point on, patients should try this therapy.

If you have problems about diabetes and kidney disease, you can send to the mail Asya.yue@mail.ru, Whatsapp / Viber +8613292893707.

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