
How does Diabetes of Kidney Disease Harm the Kidneys

Statistics show that half patients with kidney failure are developed from Diabetes of Kidney Disease. However, we all know the Diabetes but few people know that Diabetes of Kidney Disease is the most common complication of Diabetes, which can severely affect the quality of our lives. Nowadays, more and more people get Diabetes because of the improvement of our lives. If not treated immediately, Diabetes of Kidney Disease will follow up, which has become the second murder. The damage of Diabetes of Kidney Disease can be summarized in the following aspects.
1. High blood sugar can cause great harm to glomeruli. There are more than 1000 thousand glomeruli- the filtering units, in our kidneys and each glomerulus is filled with a group of tiny vessels. High sugar levels over time in the blood can cause these vessels become narrow and clogged. The kidneys can be greatly damaged without enough blood. As a result, the useful proteins such as albumin can pass these filtering units and discharged with the urine.
2. The damage of high blood sugar to renal arteries. High blood sugar can cause both harm to micro vessels and great vessels such as coronary arteries and renal arteries. After long time’s stimulation, sclerosis and narrowing of renal arteries will occur. As a result, less blood will flow through the kidneys, causing great damage to kidneys.
3. Nerves in your body. Diabetes can cause great harm to nervous tissues of our whole body including nerves carrying messages between your brain and bladders. They can notice when the bladder if full and let the brain know. However, if the nerves are damaged, patients may not have feeling when the bladder if full. Thus, urinary incontinence occurs.
4. Urinary tract infection. Once the urine stay in the bladder for a long time, patients might get a urinary tract infection because the bacteria staying in the urine can grow rapidly, which will cause harm to the kidneys.
There is a high possibility for patients with Diabetes develop Renal Failure especially in the Asian-Pacific region. So, it is important for us to prevent Diabetes of Kidney Disease, well control of the blood sugar is necessary. The normal fasting plasma glucose levels should be controlled less than 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl).
Up to now, the best therapy to treat Diabetes of Kidney Disease might be the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy adopts the traditional Chinese Medicines which are all from the natural plant to treat diseases. Practices and studies have proved it is effective and does not cause any side effects. If you want to know more about your illness condition or our therapies, you can send email to pkddoctor@hotmail.com.

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